Washing and repairing

Bring a new soul to your old rug!

Mashayekh have a unique perspective on life and bring a fresh approach to everything they do, including cleaning your old and ancient carpets. They treat your valuable carpets with care and precision, washing them with great attention to detail before using drying machines and the healing rays of the sun to ensure they are completely dry. This process breathes new life into your carpets and imbues them with a fresh spirit.

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Washing and repairing Washing and repairing


With Mashayekh consulting services, choosing the best carpet will not be challenging.

Replacing and selling

The appraisal and sale of your carpet will be handled by us.

Washing and repairing

The washing and repair service of Mashayekh will breathe a new life into your carpet.


To choose the best carpet, you may wish to see it in your home.

Washing the carpet is just the beginning of the story…

Carpet production experienced a decline in the past, but until today it came back to its old strength. For this reason, Keshan carpets are very popular and appreciated by connoisseurs of the industry.

Carpet damage is revealed after washing!

Kashan carpet has a very fine texture and less colors are used in it. Among Kashan carpet designs, we can mention animal, Kashan betejagah, Kashan rug, Lakh Taranj or Taranj and mihrab design, Afshan design

Summer; Golden season for washing carpets

Carpet production experienced a decline in the past, but until today it came back to its old strength. For this reason, Keshan carpets are very popular and appreciated by connoisseurs of the industry.

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